Act 48 - Professional Ethics: PA Codes & School Law
This course awards 4 Professional Development hours on PERMS.
It is composed of four, one hour sessions over four weeks. We offer the same content over two inservice days with Local LEA awarding PERMS Hours. See options below.
Course was approved by PDE in June, 2023
Course Description
This Course equips participants with knowledge of the:
Model Code of Ethics for Educators;
PA Code of Professional Practice & Conduct for Educators
differences between a code of ethics and a code of conduct;
Educators Discipline Act; and
PA Professional Standards & Practices Commission.
Learning Objectives
Session One
- What are the five principles of the Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE)?
- What are the four, fundamental concepts of the "Ethical equilibrium" designed to aid educators in making ethical decisions?
- What is the difference between a moral and ethical standard?
- List at least four characteristics that differentiate a code of ethics from a code of conduct.
Session Two
- Distinguish between the roles played by PDE's Office of Chief Counsel and the Professional Standards & Practices Commission within PDE's professional disciplinary process.
- Identify the Pennsylvania code for educator conduct, violation of which could result in loss of certification to teach in this state.
- Identify two values, one required behavior and one prohibited behavior written into the PA Code of Conduct. Do you agree or disagree with these examples?
- After discussing the Boundaries Case Study, explain how the PA Code of Conduct informs your practice as an educator?
Session Three
- In state discipline, what form is filed with PDE alleging an educator acted inappropriately?
- What happened to the number of Educator Misconduct Complaints filed with PDE between 2011 and 2019?
- What state statute is referenced in the Code of Professional Practice and Conduct for Educators giving PDE the power to initiate legal action to sanction an educator's teaching certificate?
- If Commission members determine that an educator has violated state law, what sanctions may the Commission impose on the educator?
Session Four
- Would the voluntary creation and operation of an Ethics Professional Learning Committee help LEA educators make better professional decisions? Why or why not?
Career & Technical Centers (CTC)
We offer different versions of our Act 48 Course to you!
The case studies have different settings based upon the contrasting facilities and class schedules within a CTC and a school district setting.
Most CTC Shops already instruct and assess their students on the professional ethical code the students will need to follow when they work in that occupation. As a result our Session Four Ethics PLC and Model Classroom lessons are different.
If I am awarding the 4 Professional Development Hours on PERMS, the class consists of four, one hour sessions on consecutive weeks:
Monday Pre-session #1 email:
| Wednesday Chat Hour (optional)
| Thursday Interactive Session (mandatory) Session Objectives Open Mics Study Hall teacher Case Study #1 | ||
Pre-session #2 email:
| Chat Hour (optional)
| Interactive Session (mandatory) Session Objectives Open Mics Boundary Case Study #2 | ||
Pre-session #3 email:
| Chat Hour (optional)
| Interactive Session (mandatory) Session Objectives Open Mics Carol Slater v. PA Dept. of Education Case Study #3 | ||
Pre-session #4 email:
| Chat Hour (optional)
| Interactive Session (mandatory) Session Objectives Open Mics Educator Ethics Professional Learning Community at your Local Education Agency? |
- Composed of four, one hour sessions over 4 weeks. Specific days to be determined.
- Cost is $150 per participant.
- Course was approved by PDE in June, 2023 to include required Professional Ethics Framework standards.
If your LEA is awarding the Professional Development Hours on PERMS (assuming two Inservice Days):
Inservice Day #1 email:
| InService Day #1- AM Schedule Hour One: Answer questions from readings or MCEE video; Hour Two: MCEE Session Objectives Open Mics Study Hall Teacher Case Study #1 | PM Schedule Hour One: Answer questions from readings and/or PA Code of Conduct video; Hour Two: PA Code of Conduct Session Objectives Open Mics Boundaries Case Study #2 |
Inservice Day #2 email:
| InService Day #2- AM Schedule Hour One: Answer questions from readings or Commission video; Hour Two: Professional Standards & Practices Commission Session Objectives Open Mics Carol Slater v. PA Dept. of Education Case Study #1 | PM Schedule Hour One: Answer questions from readings and/or Educator Discipline Act (EDA) video; Hour Two: PA EDA Session Objectives Open Mics Professional Ethics Learning Community at Your LEA #2 |
How Do I Register for this Course?
Registration can be accomplished in two ways.
You may pay $150 per participant at Upcoming Classes page (in the Top Menu bar) via PayPal; OR
You may mail a School District or Career Technology Center check for $140, along with a cover letter with your contact info, to Tom Bailey, PO Box 83, Verona, PA 15147
Requirements to earn 4 PERMS hours
if I am awarding the hours...
- appear in person, via camera, throughout all four sessions. If a Participant is absent for a session, the full session is made up at a subsequent date/time agreed to by the Participant and myself;
- Participants must submit PDE Survey Form 3527 and the the Quiz Mr Bailey within two weeks of completion of Session 4.
Participants must 6 out of 10 total items correct on the Quiz;
If your school entity is awarding the PERMS hours, your school entity will determine the requirements for you to earn your PERMS hours.